Exchange & Refund

Problems Proof (Image) Refund Exchange Compensate
Out of Stock ·
Sold Out ·
Cancel ·
Incorrect Item Or Size 1.     Item’s issue

2.     Parcel with consignment note

Subject to Seller Subject to Seller
Less Quantity 1.     Parcel’s weight

2.     Parcelwith consignment note

3.     items

Check & Add up with seller
Defect 1.     Item’s issue

2.     Parcel with consignment note

Subject to Seller Subject to Seller

If you found above problems on item after open the good condition of package, Please keep your item in original package with unused condition and inform us asap (Must within 24h).

Please do not throw away your original package until problem solve. Further support or proof might require.

Since the international parcel and the china parcel are in good condition with no breakage trace, this mean that the problem may come from your seller, investigation will be carried out with seller for a solution.

During investigation’s process, we need some proof to show to sellerpreferably in image form.

Any report of complaint filed after 24h of parcel receive will be ignored.

Co-operation from all will be much appreciated.

We will try best to negotiate the solutions with the seller. But we cannot guarantee the result in satisfactory. The process could be upto 5-7 working days.

Please fill in following detail when you report your problems in your email to [email protected]

  1. Order number
  2. Problems
  3. Clear picture of the problem item &
  4. Parcel with clear consignment note

Refund will be provided for items:
1. Out of Stock
2. Sold Out
3. Cancel
By your sellers.

Exchange Or Compensation

These solutions are subject to seller’s decision when you receive incorrect item, size of item, damaged or defect item. For a smooth conversation with your sellers, proofs must provide in the form of images to show to your sellers, you can take clear images with your handphone or camera. Type of images must provide according to your problems mention in table above. Example: if you receive an incorrect t shirt’s size:

Please provide 2 images of

  1. T shirt with label Size
  2. China Parcel with consignment note

More images may be needed if sellers need more information. Therefore it is important to keep your original package with unused condition.

If you receive less quantity of your items, we will check with your sellers, and add up the quantity or china parcels to you. Normally this occur due to seller did not update a clear number of parcels should receive in warehouse.

We will inform you on details of final result and solution after investigation. Sellers in china normally request for return and exchange when you receive defect, incorrect item or size of item, if they accept your complaint within time.

Shipping cost in return to China from your country will be your own cost. Please refer return policy for details.